Full USFSA First Family/Subsequent Membership
Test at U.S. Figure Skating-sponsored test sessions (In club and priority enrollment at TSCH sessions)
Certificates of accomplishment for passing proficiency test and placing at US Figure Skating qualifying events (athletes) – These certificates will be available at the club’s annual awards banquet.
Compete at U.S. Figure Skating-sanctioned events.
Participate in U.S. Figure Skating qualifying events.
Represent your club at regional, sectional, and national events.
Subscription to SKATING magazine (only first family and collegiate members)
Members over the age of 18 will have voting rights during the club member annual meeting.
Individually numbered USFS membership card
Coverage under U.S. Figure Skating’s sport accident insurance policy
Special offers and discounts from U.S. Figure Skating corporate partners.
Eligible to apply for The Skating Club of Houston’s Athlete Stipend Program (athletes only)
Quarterly Newsletters sent to the email listed when registered with the Club.
Attendance/Invitation of all Club events and functions including parties, exhibitions, competitions, test sessions.
Inner club pricing for TSCH Test Sessions and seminars.
Participation in club supported teams.
Attendance/Invitation to the Annual Awards Banquet
Eligible for award recognition during our Annual Awards
HS Senior Recognition
Late Fee
All memberships expire June 30 of each year. Register by August 31 to avoid the late fee.
Club Jackets
We encourage all members to represent the club with a club jacket!
(Jackets are sold at specific times so keep checking back for more info.)
Athlete Stipend Information
Membership Types
First time athlete up to the age of 17, that has passed Free skate 6 or taken at least one USFS Test. All Introductory members must have an Adult Sponsor.
Introductory Adult
First time athlete 18 years or older, that has passed Free skate 6 or taken at least one USFS Test.
All athletes up to the age of 17 who have held a Full USFS membership prior to this membership year. All Junior athletes must have an Adult Sponsor.
Athletes 18 years of age and older. This member will have voting rights during the member annual meeting.
Additional Family Member
Any additional family member such as a second+ skater/athlete, additional adult sponsor, volunteer, etc. This can be a person under or over the age of 18. The person will hold a full USFS membership. Additional Family Members who are over the age of 18 will have voting rights during the member annual meeting.
Adult Sponsor
A parent or guardian over the age of 18 responsible for the skater. This person too will hold a full USFS membership. This member will have voting rights during the member annual meeting.
USFS Official Membership
Club supported membership for a USFS official that holds a current appointment. Must be over the age of 18 and have an invested interest in the success of The Skating Club of Houston. This member will have voting rights during the member annual meeting.
Coach Membership
Club supported membership for compliant USFS Fully certified coaches. Must be over the age of 18. Must hold a contract to coach at one of our affiliated rinks: Aerodrome Ice Skating Complex, Bellerive Ice Center, or Ice at the Galeria Houston, or receive prior approval from the club President and VP of Membership. LTS only coaches are not eligible and must purchase the Senior membership until they are fully certified coaches with USFS.
Transfer Membership
Any member of USFS individually or through another club may choose to transfer their membership to our club for all the full benefits of the club at any time during the membership year from July 1 through the following June 30. The membership rules must meet the above-mentioned membership requirements.
Secondary Membership
Secondary Membership is for any USFS member that has their Primary Membership through USFS directly or through another club. The benefits of the secondary members are:
Quarterly Newsletters sent to the email listed when registered with the Club
Attendance/Invitation to all Club events and functions including parties, exhibitions, competitions, test sessions.
Attendance/Invitation to the Annual Awards Banquet
Inner club pricing for TSCH sponsored Test Sessions and seminars/workshops.
Participation in club supported teams.
It is important to note that secondary members are not eligible to vote at the annual club meeting, nor are they eligible for TSCH Athlete Stipend Program. Because all of USFS communication of skater/athlete progress such as testing, competition standings and placement, etc. we are unable to ensure recognition of such. This is done through the skater/athletes primary club.