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Skater Recognition

Senior Moves in the Field

Caitlin Bell
Timothy D. Berg
Lauren Cavallaro

Kayla Coalmer
Taylor Crowson

Emily Curvo
Sarah Fletcher
Jordynn Godfrey
Britta Hockman

Allison Howell
Annie Hsiao

Crystara Kodnasar

Kassidy Mentze
Morgan E Morrow
Fiona Rose O'Mara

Avril Phillips
Elizabeth Phillips

Tabatha Poole
Fallon Rae Racine

Kristina Ruiz

Marissa Ruiz

Jennifer Schoennagel
Paige Schurman
Patricia A Stuckey
Lydia Trudel
Cullen Young

Senior Freeskate

Taylor Crowson
Britta Hockman
Jennifer Schoennagel
Patricia A Stuckey
Lydia Trudel

Adult Gold Moves in the Field

Lisa Caday

Adult Gold Freeskate

Paula Moore

Adult Gold Free Dance

Paula Moore

Gold Pattern Dance

Shannon Keeler

Morgan Morrow

Ryan O'Donnell

Paige Schurman

Adult Gold Pattern Dance

Michelle Christie

Senior Solo Free Dance

Caitlin Bell

Emily Clark

Kayla Coalmer

Kaitlyn  Fallowfield

Taylor Gilmore
Allison Howell

Samantha Schenosky

Paige Schurman

Please note that these reflect tests passed starting January 1, 2011. Achievements before January 1, 2011 are welcome, but need to be submitted individually. Please report any missing results.
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